The first harvest of the season

The word "harvest" might be a bit of an overstatement, but it's hard not to get excited over growing your own food - even if it can only feed a mouse - a very small one.

One radish and some Arugula. I'm very proud. You should come by for dinner, but don't come hungry.

Making progress

It may not look like much, but here are a few photos of the engine compartment of the vette. It's being sanded and prepped before painting and reinstallation on the chassis. I hope to go visit her next weekend. Yay!

Let the restoration commence!

After many years, the completion of the restoration of my Dad's Corvette has finally begun - again. The pictures below are from last week at the Hot Rod Hotel, where the car has enjoyed a nice long visit. The holiday is over and it's time to get back on the road.






More on this as it evolves.


I was asked to take a brief hiatus from The Adjustment Bureau (the project I'm on right now).



Just a week or more if the scheudle would allow. Beth and I decided to have a little stay-cation. We've been dropping Dylan off at day care and enjoying a few quiet and lazy days together.

I've discovered the one day work week. It rules!

Every week should be like this.



Snow day!!!

I've lived in New York for 5 years now, and I'm pretty sure this is the first NYC snow day since I've been here. They say it'll continue to pile up, but, so far, this ain't so bad.

Nearing the end...

I'm so close to end of principle photography on The Adjustment Bureau that I can taste it, or maybe that is the what's left of my dinner. In either case, I'm looking forward to things slowing down a bit and getting to spend a little more to with my amazing family.

Here's a picture.